EcoGenics©, Inc.

Alternative Shelter Section

Conventional panelized shelters     

     We now offer conventionally configured housing. Based upon the same panelised system used in the EcoShelter© today, over eighty five examples of these were built from 1970 to 1974 on some of the steepest lots in the best subdivisions in Gatlinburg and other areas of east Tennessee.

     All of these structures were build with the absolute minimum disturbance to the ecology of the sites. We took full advantage of the trees to reduce cooling costs (each 8" tree can save the equivalent of 20 tons of air conditioning.

     Our structures are built to help you fulfill your dream of living off the grid. Feel free to ask us any question you might have about alternative shelters and join our email list: livingoffthegrid.

More text on conventional shelters from EcoGenics©.

View some of the structures below:

Panelized construction (9K) Britton House (7K)
Panelized construction #2 (14K) Hoglund House (11K)

Alternative Shelters @ EcoGenics©,Inc.

Closed-Loop Ecosystems

Conventional panelized




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